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Hello ;       

            My name is, Stephen James Johnson©; a Son of the Most High God. I’m here to address to the many different parts of the body of our Lord, Christ Jesus. As Believer’s in Christ become aware to the fact that we are  ALL ‘God’s Gems’ (‘In Christ Jesus’). His ‘Jewelry’ and that ANYONE that Professes (Pledges their allegiance) out of their mouth and believe (Acceptance in Faith of the unseen) in their Heart (Mind) that Jesus died and rose for our sins, and you will be saved. Romans 10:9

            Please remember that you are a 3- part being: Body (Flesh), Spirit (ethereal) and Soul (Mind/Consciousness). Balance is the Key. Don’t commit to doing too much of one thing, this or that; the result will be Energy Distortion. Sin distorts the frequency between you and the Heavenly Host.

Basic instructions Because yo ass got Left behind on Earth

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